Thursday 22 October 2009

Add VideoEvaluation

The eight shot journey went a lot smoother than I thought it would’ve gone. I’ve experience shooting short films before they have all been longer than a thought. This however was quicker, the first film we did went well up until the end and the second film we managed to get out of the way even quicker.

The ending of the first film was a bit frustrating and we were getting inpatient. The last shot we did was set in a place, where it involved some people going in and out of doors. So we had to wait for people to go through, see if the coast was clear and shoot again. Although because this takes time it wasn’t long before someone went through a door and walked in to shot. This happened over and over again until eventually we had a shot which didn’t involve people walking in shot. Overall it took us eight takes to do this one shot.

The second movie we did, which was mine, went smoother than the other one. The reason for this was, it was set in locations which were not crowded and at the time we did it, which was mid afternoon and at that time there wasn’t much people about. Didn’t have any problem shooting the shot but because of the location I had to reinvent shots, which was no trouble because it led to better ideas. Which involved taking shots from higher angles which had a better effect.

Editing on a new piece of software was a challenge. To begin with it was a fiddle but the longer we spent on it the easier it got. We did begin with a big problem, my partner didn’t stripe his tape so I had to help him log his clips manually because when we filmed the first film we had a long break in-between because it was lunch time. This meant that when we continued with filming, the time codes changed and was split in two separate halves of film. This took longer than usual and took up time. When it came to editing my film it took know time at all because I’ve had experience in editing, I used a program called adobe premier which is similar to final cut pro but just not as advanced. So it went well.

What I’ve learnt is you don’t know what to expect, so make sure be prepared in any situation. Overall I thought the eight shot journey went well and I enjoyed it.

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