Thursday 22 October 2009

news jingle
station jingle
promo jingle
Radio jingles

Radio jingles - advertising
Radio stations
Station idents - uniform, all be similar/ have same tune
Station events - OB outside broadcast
Section/features/what’s coming up

Jingle: What’s it for, Who it’s for
Target audience – vital

Advertising the charts, trying to keep people updated
Radio jingle scripts

News jingle
The latest updated news with SNC, news travels fast

Station Ident
Tuning in to 78.9 for the best sound you’ll hear

Radio show
This is Robert Graham; bringing the music that suit’s your ears

Creating three radio jingles on a new piece of software was a bit of a challenge. To begin with, it was hard but I got the hang of it in a short amount of time. The software that we used was called sound booth, which I had never used before, but top be fair we did get to learn how to use it before making our jingles. Last year I used a program called adobe audition which was simple and less complicated. The only bad thing about it was, it was frustrating because even though we learnt how to use it we were still learning how to use it when we were making our jingles. What I planed to do was to make three jingles for radio. One which was for the news, one which was for the radio show and one which was for the radio station. I planned to make these short and snappy which I thought would take a short amount of time. This didn’t happen, it took longer than I thought and what I ended up doing was making three short jingles in a long amount of time. The effect of this made me frustrated, although in the end, it was worth it because the jingles were good and finished. To make it so I wouldn’t take long making jingles, would be to browse software more, spend longer on it and I’ll eventually be quicker on it. Which is what I would do, if I were to do it again.

What I found hard was the first jingle I did because I was still learning how to use the program. I also found a particular jingle hard as well which turned out to be the news jingle. This was hard because finding the right music was difficult. It wasn’t easy trying to find music which was news related. In the end I did find music for the news but I was not pleased with it. I was pleased with the other music I had on the other two jingles because they related to the subject. What I could of done was be more organised and bring my own music, which I did but I forgot my USB connection so had to borrow someone else’s memory stick which was worrying because you don’t know what music the other person is in to and because you’ve all ready planned the music you want to use, it’s harder to plan new music, so it takes longer.

The procedure for recording was very simple. All you had to do was press the record button on the bottom of the program and talk to the computer. The microphone was on top of the screen the only issue was you had to speak loud enough in order to get the volume into the yellow because that is where it is meant to be. If it is on red it is to loud. If it is on green it’s to quiet. So it was important. So because I have now had experience with the microphones, I know, next time, I have to speak louder.

What I’ve learnt from this is be organised and know in advance what is ahead of you. So overall I thought I did OK.

Making pinhole photos was not easy for me. I struggled to get a decent set of photo’s and struggled to make the pinhole camera and I thought it was a disaster.

The first step was making a pinhole camera which I had made before but it was easy because we just had a paper cube and put a hole in it. This was more advanced than that, we had to make our own one from scratch using a light tight closed container, such as a Pringles jar or a shoe box. Although I thought I had chosen a clever way of making a pin whole camera using two things which were a fizzy drinks can and a Costa cup, because I wanted to be different. Although being different does have it’s weaknesses, so I ended up making a right mess of it. There for this meant I had to start all over again and also meant I didn’t have much time to do it.

I chose what should of done in the first and kept it simple by getting a Pringles jar. I ran out of time at college so I had to do this at home which was a problem because the paint I was using at home to paint the Pringles jar on the inside was quite thin, so it didn’t like sticking to the metal or plastic. The paint that we used at college was quite thick which meant it would stick to the metal and plastic and was easy to use. My paint on the other hand was a nightmare. What I had to do to solve this problem, was a lot of painting and being patient. I had to paint, wait, paint and wait again until the paint was a thick enough layer.

The other problem I had was because I had to make my camera in such a rush I couldn’t get decent enough pictures. The pictures from my camera turned out to be a mess. They came out either all black or all white apart from one which was hard to make out what way up is was meant to be. It was a shot of the atrium and it was the only one which was worth using. What I was doing wrong was leaving the pictures over exposed, which meant I left camera out in the light for to long. Some were under exposed which meant I didn’t leave it out for long enough. What I could of done to improve this was to leave it out not as long when over exposed and longer when under exposed which I was trying to do on the day but was really difficult.

What I’ve learnt from this is when doing something you’ve not had much experience in, is to keep it simple and be more organised. However, seen as though I failed to do these two things I ended up making a complete mess of it and didn’t go to well, so overall it was I rubbish.
log sheet

Add VideoEvaluation

The eight shot journey went a lot smoother than I thought it would’ve gone. I’ve experience shooting short films before they have all been longer than a thought. This however was quicker, the first film we did went well up until the end and the second film we managed to get out of the way even quicker.

The ending of the first film was a bit frustrating and we were getting inpatient. The last shot we did was set in a place, where it involved some people going in and out of doors. So we had to wait for people to go through, see if the coast was clear and shoot again. Although because this takes time it wasn’t long before someone went through a door and walked in to shot. This happened over and over again until eventually we had a shot which didn’t involve people walking in shot. Overall it took us eight takes to do this one shot.

The second movie we did, which was mine, went smoother than the other one. The reason for this was, it was set in locations which were not crowded and at the time we did it, which was mid afternoon and at that time there wasn’t much people about. Didn’t have any problem shooting the shot but because of the location I had to reinvent shots, which was no trouble because it led to better ideas. Which involved taking shots from higher angles which had a better effect.

Editing on a new piece of software was a challenge. To begin with it was a fiddle but the longer we spent on it the easier it got. We did begin with a big problem, my partner didn’t stripe his tape so I had to help him log his clips manually because when we filmed the first film we had a long break in-between because it was lunch time. This meant that when we continued with filming, the time codes changed and was split in two separate halves of film. This took longer than usual and took up time. When it came to editing my film it took know time at all because I’ve had experience in editing, I used a program called adobe premier which is similar to final cut pro but just not as advanced. So it went well.

What I’ve learnt is you don’t know what to expect, so make sure be prepared in any situation. Overall I thought the eight shot journey went well and I enjoyed it.

Wednesday 21 October 2009

examples of different genre's of photography

Black and white



Justin Quinell
These are some of his photos


Is a device that records images, either as a still photograph or as moving images known as videos or movies. The term comes form the camera obscure (Latin for dark chamber.), an early mechansium of projecting images where an entire room functioned as real time imaging system; the modern camera evolved from the camera obscura.

In photography, a shutter is a device that allows light to pass for a determined period of time, for the purpose of exposing photographic film or a light - sensitive electronic sensor to light to capture a permanent image of a scene.

Shutter speed

B = Bulb
1 second


In optics, an aperture is a hole or a opening through which light travels. In phototography this can be measured in increments called f stops.


The of a camera captures the light from the subject and brings it to focus on the film or detector.

Exposure control

The size of the apeture and the brightness of the scene controls the amount of light that enters the camera during a period of time, and the shutter controls the length of time that the light hit's the recording surface. Equivalent exposures can be made with a larger aperture and a faster shutter speed or a coresponding smaller aperture and with the shutter speed slowed down.
Photography is the process, activity and art of creating still or moving pictures by recoding radiation on a sensitive medium, such as a photographic film, or an electric sensor. Light patterns reflected or emitted form objects active and sensetive chemical or an electronic sensor during a timed exposeure, useually through a photographic lens in a device known as a camera that also stores the resulting information chemically or electronically. Photography has many uses for buisness, science, art and pleasure.

This is the same image but in positive

This is the same image but in negetive

Only one of my images came out any good, all the rest of them came out all black or all white. The only image that I took with a pinhole camera which came out any good was this shot of the atrium in the college.

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Pinhole camera design

Pinhole cameras are usually handmade by the photographer for a particular purpose. In its simplest form, the photographic pinhole camera consists of a light-tight box with a pinhole in one end, and a piece of film or photographic paper wedged or taped into the other end. A flap of cardboard with a tape hinge can be used as a shutter. The pinhole is usually punched or drilled using a sewing needle or small diameter bit through a piece of tinfoil or thin aluminum or brass sheet. This piece is then taped to the inside of the light tight box behind a hole cut through the box. An oatmeal box can be made into an excellent pinhole camera.
Photo genres


black and white




fine art



high speed





photo journalisium


still life




health and safety

. Studio-cables

You can trip over the cables if room is not well lit.

You could hurt your self if you were not aware.

. Lights

Lights are hot and if they on you, you will get burnt.

They are also electric so you can get electricuted.

. coats and bags

If bags are left in the way people could trip over them.

. Food and drink

Drink could get on lights and damage or break them and then you will have to pay up a lot of money.

. Darkroom

Developer could get on your clothes and turn them brown. The same goes with fixer.

Thursday 15 October 2009

welcome to my blog

you have proberbly noticed from the title I am a triple jumper, although you may not find anything on my blog which relates to triple jump. However there are exciting things on my blog and feel free to have a look.